Successful concerts of Septeto Santiaguero in Veracruz and Yanga, Mexico.

Invitados por primera vez al Festival Internacional Afrocaribeño 2019, en su edición XXIII, el Septeto Santiaguero acaba de ofrecer dos exitosos conciertos en las ciudades mexicanas de Veracruz y Yanga.

En todo momento, el público disfrutó de los últimos éxitos de la agrupación, incluidos en su CD “A mi qué: Tributo a los clásicos cubanos”, ganador del Premio Grammy Latino en 2018, e incluso bajo la lluvia aclamó al Septeto Santiaguero con muchas muestras de cariño.

From the artistic point of view, Pancho Amat and his Cabildo del Son, Septeto Habanero and other important Cuban musicians attended the Festival, seeing that the event was dedicated to Havana and Veracruz in their 500th anniversary. It was also presented the documental "Entre Cuba y Mexico todo es mas sabroso", that is about an interview to the writer Eliseo Alberto Diego, and the legendary Cuban movie “Memorias del Subdesarrollo”.

The International Afrocaribbean Festival concludes on 20th of October in Mexico, with the aim to keep positioning in the Latin-American area as one of the most important cultural events, and keep alive the dialogue about the foundation of our people and the cultural mixing that characterizes us.


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